To be or not to be...

Over the past month, we've become a bit more serious about finding ourselves a new home. I'd love to say, we're ready to make the big move into a home that can accomodate a growing family but something tells me Kyle might have a different response. :) Here's a photo of one of the plans we really love. This house is being built in a community/subdivision, New Halifax, where all of the homes are made to look like old homes of the South. It's a really wooded neighborhood which will be within walking distance of downtown Jonesborough--a quaint, cozy neighborhood with good eats and small town culture. Oh, and it's home to a tiny ice cream shop that has a sign on it that advertises dairy products from Fond du Lac, WI!!! CRAZY! We don't necessarily love the exterior colors of this model but the good thing about purchasing a lot to build on, is that we can have our say when and if the time is right.

I wonder what one can tell by watching couples walk through prospective homes?
I'm sure it's a bit amusing. I gush, some may say too loudly, over every wonderful detail. I walk into rooms and immediately have visions of nurseries and children--I picture the street lit up with Christmas lights and family around the table. My face absolutely reflects what's going on in my heart...I may be every realtor's dream. Flaws? Inconsistencies? Areas of improvement? I see none of that--its all about the dream. :) My husband, on the other hand, always with a poker face, examines every constructed detail and looks for possible areas of improvement. He's opening doors and crawling in storage spaces, scanning every crook and corner. His expression is guarded--but every now and then our eyes meet and the corners of his mouth start to smile. Yeah, that's right, he's loving it too but I may be the only one in the room who knows just how much. Together, I suppose we balance each other out and make a pretty good team. And so far, I'm happy to say, this house is getting approval from both of us!


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