Rediscovering you.

After church today, kyle and I decided to drive to Roan Mtn. As we were on our way, we realized it was the weekend of their annual festival--which just so happens to be where we went and what we did on our very first date, 7 years ago!!

The past few months, in the world of the Long's, have been an adventure all unto their own. In more ways than I could ever express, we are truly in a place right now where we are rediscovering each other.

It's no secret that Kyle and I are wired in completely different ways. We express ourselves differently; we process things differently; we learn and abide and grow in different ways. Because of that, it hasn't always been easy to understand each other. Over time, as what often happens with those with whom we are in close or familiar relationship with, we often neglected to pursue; to ask questions; & to seek understanding of each other.

Recently, fueled by some activities at church (like the strengths finder survey, etc) we have sort of accidentally stumbled into this new awareness of each other and it continues to surprise and amuse us, almost on a daily basis. It's been this God given breath of life into our home and into our marriage. I can't explain it completely, but I'm starting to get him. I know, I know. Theoretically, I should have 'gotten him' a long time ago. I guess it's that "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" syndrome. These days, I'm beginning to truly feel how his heart beats and it makes the love and respect I have for him grow. Somehow, I think he's beginning to get me too. How do I know? Because I feel understood--and it's the most validating feeling in the world.

The other day I was sitting downstairs at the table all alone, TV off, not doing anything. He came around the corner-laughed and said..."party going on up there?!"
Just like usual--only now the secrets out.

Today before our trek up the mountain, I realized that once again, for one more month, we are not pregnant. When my eyes welled up with tears and I lost my words, he got it. He put his hand on top of mine and said all the right things. And suddenly, I didn't feel so alone.

It ended up thundering and lightening shortly after we got to the mountain. We went down only a few little trails, took some pics and some stock footage for Kyle's video production, and then high tailed it back to the car. On our way home, the rain came hard and fierce--like sheets pounding the windshield. Inside, with the IPOD pumping out music and Kyle putting up with me singing loudly and poorly, I felt unusually full, undeservedly blessed.

1 Comment:

  1. Marcia Melton said...
    You two are so cute! Happy Anniversary - sounds like a good time to keep working on making that baby. Auntie Marcia is praying it happens soon! :) We love you!

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