"The dog is ruining our marriage."

And so began the first real arguement of my married life. With these few words spoken into existance, the discussion that ensued took on a life of it's own. As the weight of Kyle's words hung in the balance between us, I smiled. He had my full attention. Never had those words been used before. "He's kidding, right?" was all I could think as I searched his expression for the smile I was sure he was hiding. Ruining our marriage? "Isn't that a bit dramatic?" was all I could utter in reply.
Ah, yes. Expectations. With neither of us having never owned a dog before, and being completely ignorant of all that dog ownership entails, there was never any discussion 'pre-Oliver' about the basics of puppy rearing. How hard can it be raising man's best friend? Hard enough, I found out, to potentially ruin a marriage...at least in the eyes of my husband.

So what were the problems? If I really give you the full blown list, Kyle may have sympathizers. :) I'll admit that my husband did have some valid points. Yes, indeed, the dog had presented some challenges and inconveniences. The gravity of his so called offenses, however, all rest in the eyes of the beholder. In my opinion our sweet little pup could do nothing so serious as to render him homeless. Afterall, if the dog was neurotic, wasn't it Kyle and I who were to blame?

The arguement that night did not end peacefully. There were tears. I vowed, out loud, that I would never get rid of our dog.
That was 3 years ago.

Although we've made a lot of progress in the dog department, it hasn't all been roses over the past three years insofar as 'Stinky' is concerned. But, yesterday, the chasm that began between Kyle and I on that fateful night, grew a few feet smaller. Upcoming travel plans are forcing us to find a home for Oliver. Due to his neurotic tendencies, it's not easy to ask people to watch him. And so, out of desperation, we went searching and found Camp Ruff-n-More: a day camp for dogs. (I know, I know.) Oliver had a trial run there today and LOVED it. Kyle is happy: we now have a place to leave the dog on a moment's notice--spontaneity is alive and well again in the Long home. Megan is happy: Oliver will be well cared for and I can rest easy knowing he wont be holed up in some dreary kennel for a week. Oliver is happy. Not that that matters to most people or to Kyle, but it does to me. :)

And, so, tomorrow we're off to Chicago! Can't wait to see some of your faces!


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