Happy Birthday, Lara!!

We miss you and hope you've had a wonderful day!


  1. Anonymous said...
    Thanks Megan and Kyle!

    Megan, I hope you also had a fantastic birthday, afterall we are September "soul sisters" and deserve it! Miss you lots!
    Anonymous said...
    To My Lovely Sister,

    As always, I was just blogging away on your site...and I came to this entry. My wonderful girlfriend really enjoyed the fact that you thought of her on her special day! I think that it is so fantastic that you put little messages up for family on their b-day. Kind of disappointing though that your internet was down the entire month of July (particularly around the 11th).

    I would like to go on record that there are much better pictures of the two of us, ones that don't make us look like muppets. Thank you though for remembering my better half!
    megan said...
    july 11th...yes, now that you mention it, it does sound vaguely familiar...

    I think this is a great picture-one of my favorites. And no worries; no apologies; we love you even if you do look like muppets. that's the beautiful thing about family...it's the inside that counts. :)

    jk, you guys look great as always! -megs

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