a few things to be grateful for-

1. In a few short weeks Kyle and I are heading north for WI. Once there, we will get to spend time with my family. All of them. This never happens anymore--in fact, we do well to see each other once a year and now that we're all scattered all over the country, we are NEVER all in the same place. But for a few days, it will be a big reunion.

2. My dad's getting married! I can't believe I haven't mentioned this before because this is huge for him and for our new--expanding family. I will be gaining 3 little brothers!! :) After all of the heartache and turmoil that my dad has been through over the past two years it does my heart good to know that he's so happy.

3. My girl Marcia, along with Greg and Ava, will be coming to WI the weekend we are there. It's never the same going 'home' without her so this will be one of the biggest highlights of our trip home.

4. Kyle's having a birthday! The best reason ever to go somewhere and lock ourselves away from the rest of the world for a day or two. We need a mini va-ca.

5. There are things happening at church that have me so excited I can hardly stand it. More on this will come soon--but I just feel really blessed to be in this place at this time.

6. Friends. We've spent time lately with people we admire and love more than words. Some people we continue to get to know on deeper, more vulnerable levels. Other friends, seem to know us better than we know ourselves and they are safe, beautiful ramparts to our souls.

a few things to ponder-

1. let's just say I might have a new job opportunity. I'm not exactly sure what to do with this. Everyone that knows me, knows hospice is my heart. But at the same time, the thought of regular hours, no call, a three day weekend every week is more than a little appealing. but what's my motivation? would the perks be worth it?

2. a stager is coming to our home tomorrow night to walk through it and give us suggestions before it goes on the market. We have been through half a dozen more homes. I'm particularly crazy about one of them but the verdict is still out with husband. :) We will make the big reveal when it's official.

3. family. I feel like I have a block when it comes to this topic...it's just hard to write about...and it's so personal that I don't always feel like I can just put it all out there. It's just this lingering presence. I know all the 'godly' things I'm supposed to think and feel about where we're at and when the time is right for babies but there's dissonance between how I'm truly feeling and how I think I'm supposed to feel. I know, I know. Pray about it, right? i think i'm just tired. With international adoption always tucked away in our hearts, I wonder how long we wait before we get serious about filling all the paperwork out, hiring the social worker, and sending the money in. No real answers, and that's okay; just one day at a time.
I'm working on the whole patience thing. ;)


  1. Anonymous said...
    You are gracious as usual and chose a nice compromise, but glad you did it ;)
    megan said...
    baby steps. :) I probably wouldn't have even gone there at all had I not had a little encouragement.

    love you luka ;)
    Marcia Melton said...
    First of all, every time I open my new school calendar and see the date of our trip to Wisconsin - I about pee myself! I can't wait! Second, sounds like so many things are going on in your life and your heart... it makes me even more excited to see and talk with you. Greg and I think of you and pray for you often. ;)

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