It's the day before Easter and the weather here is crazy. As I was leaving the house this morning, the driveway was covered with white patches of snow and deep purple patches of flower blossoms from our trees. Our irises that were just about to bloom appear to have bitten the dust. Not my fault this time!! We even kicked back with a fire in the fireplace this afternoon.

Tonight we had dinner at Jim and Karen's. I'm beginning to know my way around their kitchen and they don't mind if we 'make ourselves at home'. At any given moment throughout our evening together there were kids running through the house-shrieking with laughter in pursuit of the new puppy or cat; a fire crackling; music serenading; coffee brewing; a dog barking; & adults conversing around the kitchen table. the makings of family. Tonight as we were getting to know a new couple for the first time, we all asked lots of questions to one another. I could listen to people's story's all night long. Especially these people. We laughed a lot and I learned a great deal about where each person comes from. Sometimes I wish I could not say a word; only listen. Do you ever feel like your story will bore people to tears? :) I feel that way sometimes. (and no, I do not need anyone's encouragement--I know we all have our stories...blah, blah, blah...but you've felt this way, too, at some point-I'm sure!) Tonight? Tonight, when conversation began to grow roots, I had this overwhelming and perplexing feeling that I was going to cry. Right there at the table, seemingly, for no reason! I almost couldn't talk--and I was not about to tear up around new people for fear that I'd acquire some sort of 'unstable' label from this day on. :) It was all I could do to answer a few questions-and distractions, like a barking dog or inquisitive children were a relief. It gave me a few seconds to re-group. Even when we got in the car and were driving home, the lump was still in my throat. Hormones? Fatigue? Or fear? I could probably make a case for all three but I think tonight I felt what happens when walls come down, chip by chip.

"Today is Friday, but Sunday's coming." We've been quoting that a lot in our office this past week. It's a phrase dripping with hope and truth. One Friday, the only one in history that truly matters, Christ hung on a cross and the weight of his death must have hung, so thick and oppressive in the air. But Friday had to be everything that it was, so that Sunday would come as promised.

With new life & fresh hope for those who believe.
happy easter sweet friends and family!


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