Kyle has the coolest job ever.

Guess who else might be headed to Africa?
I know I just got back. I know I shouldn't be jealous. But while some of us have to fill out applications, search the internet for possible opportunities, and pay lots of money to go, kyle gets these amazingly incredible opportunities that seem to fall straight from heaven.

He'll know much more at the end of the week but if you have a minute, check out this video that tells a bit about who he'd be working with: horizon video. The website for this agency is

There's so much going on in our hearts since my trip so I can't even put into words how exciting just the mere possibility of all this is!

We'll let you know what happens!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I am jealous too! But also really excited for you and kyle. That sounds like a wonderful organization, and really would be a great experience. I will keep you both in my prayers.


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