Here's my beautiful friends Jaclyn, Marcia, and sweet little Ava.
(sorry marcia for stealing it straight from your blog! I just loved it that much!)

Marcia just officially got her new business, brightspot photography up and rolling. So, here's to you, Marcia! We are so proud of you for following your heart. If you want to take a peek at her blog/website (brightspot photography) please do! You'll have to check out the galleries. SOOOO talented! I'm lucky that I know so many uber talented photograhers out there! know who you are!

I will try to write more in a few days. I've sort of been at a loss the past couple weeks. Kyle's parents are in town right now so we've been running here and there and everywhere. We constantly have full bellies and the home improvement projects that we always think about doing always amazingly get done when they get into town.

more soon!


  1. Marcia Melton said...
    Girl, you are too much. Thanks for the plug! :) You know you are welcome to steal pics from me anytime. So, what home improvement projects did you get worked on this weekend? How is the house hunting going? Need the update sister! Love you bunches and we'll chat soon!
    megan said...
    are you kidding me? could that picture be any more beautiful?
    love it.
    love you.

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